Frostfall Dawn [Aus/AoC/EEWA] Wiped 24/09

Frostfall Dawn [Aus/AoC/EEWA] Wiped 24/09
Server Information
Hostname Frostfall Dawn [Aus/AoC/EEWA] Wiped 24/09
Status Checked 3 minutes ago / Online 6 hours ago
Players 0 / 30
Location Australia
Platform Windows
Map The Exiled Lands
Registered by Smurfy
Registered since October 24th, 2023 12:25 AM EST
Last update December 1st, 2023 03:54 AM EST
Tag(s) Community PvE Relaxed

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 165
Score 0
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

About us
We are a laid back casual PvE community, welcome all & have active admins who do their best to help and support everyone. We have an extensive modlist, custom content & would love for you to come and join our growing community!

Server Features
- 2x Harvest, 1x XP with 4x Kill XP
- No items dropped on death/no bodies on log off/no decay
- Stability permanently off for more flexible building
- Reasonable build limits to balance server health with player creativity
- Level rewards every 50 levels, Daily login tokens & vendor
- Mammoth travel network set up across the map & hub with public maproom
- Starter Village with NPCs (server info, aoc info, starter kit, quests)
- 2 Admin Villages with varying vendors/quests (more to come!)
- Custom dailies to earn mounts & various EEWA/VAM items
- Beyond The Forge weapon questlines to learn all 6 tiers of weaponry
- Expansive mod list including AOC, EEWA & more (linked below)

Modlist & Discord