Sinners Refuge - RP Focused

Sinners Refuge - RP Focused
Server Information
Hostname Sinners Refuge - RP/PVE-C/AoC/EEWA
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 4 / 30
Location United States of America
Platform Windows
Map The Exiled Lands
Registered by SinnersRefugeRP
Registered since October 11th, 2023 10:02 AM EST
Last update October 15th, 2023 10:15 PM EST
Tag(s) Community PvE Relaxed Roleplaying
Vote(s) 1
Rank 76
Score 7
Favorited 3
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Sinners Refuge - RP Focused
Age Restriction is 18+

Greetings Adventurer! Are you ready to embark on a journey filled with roleplaying, friendly community, kind environment while still surviving the harsh and desolate sands of the exile lands? Then Sinners Refuge might be for you!

We recently opened a Vanilla RP focused server. The main objective is to have fun while not having to worry about hardcore pvp'ers coming in and affecting the main dynamic which is roleplay!

While the main focus is RP, we do still offer conflict. PvP in the open world can be done if there is an RP interaction from both parties, while also having KoS Zones which are available in all the dungeons and large thrall camps.

We're dedicated to creating an inclusive and dynamic Conan Exiles community. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Exiled Lands, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment here. Our server is built on the principles of fairness, cooperation, and fun!

Here below are some of the things we’ve got to offer;

- PvE-C Roleplaying server
- 30 player slots
- Harvest rate x2
- Server lore (WIP)
- Land ownership system!
- ConanSandbox map!
- Chances to win Siptah weapons, armor, recipe and more!
- A roleplay opportunity that is only as grand as your imagination!
- Ruleset that instill inclusiveness, flexibility, freedom and fun!
- Near max server hardware!
- Frequent events!

And much more is planned!

Come all, come all! You're all welcome to experience this journey with us!