Dractaryia Empire - Medieval Fantasy Heavy RP

Server Information
Address Private Server
Hostname Dractaryia Empire - Game of Thrones Style Fantasy Roleplay Server
Status Checked 4 minutes ago / Online 8 days ago
Players 0 / 20
Location United States of America
Platform Windows
Map The Exiled Lands
Registered by Dractaryia
Registered since April 22nd, 2023 02:42 PM EST
Last update April 22nd, 2023 02:42 PM EST
Tag(s) Community PvE PvP Relaxed Roleplaying
Vote(s) 0
Rank 171
Score 0
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Hello everyone.
The Dractaryia Empire is an upcoming heavy RP server using custom maps and mods to enhance a game of thrones inspired theme. We have a custom lore for the history of the continent the players are on.

We are actively looking for more eager, new or experienced role players and potential admins!

Map used:

Isle of Tir Na Nog (Modded - Original Lore for the server)


We are establishing our founding roleplay and admin community. These players can range from OOC positions of admins, moderators, server builders to IC positions of royalty, nobility, shop owners, warriors, and so much more.

Base Server Info

~North American Server
~Currently most active times: 4pm EST to 2am EST
~Light fantasy (human race only with some supernatural allowed such as vampires, werewolves, and magic users)

We Are Looking For Players:

~Friendly people who enjoy gaming with others
~Willing to discuss and be open-minded about ideas
~Enjoys meaningful storytelling and character progression
~Prioritizes storytelling and lore over ERP (we do not restrict ERP, but we are wanting to focus on a server with more than just ERP)
~People who understand its a game and are here to enjoy and escape the drama

Please join our discord for a full storyline and to chat with us!

A full list of the mods we use on the server: